Deepen your Creativity

From starving artist to thriving creative


A Creative Wellness Retreat for photographers

Expand your curiosity, spend time creating, find rest, explore the wild, and connect with a group of like-minded women.

Renew your individual spirit, expand your community, and grow your business through sustainable tips and tools.

a creative career can be frustrating…

Are you frustrated from trying to figure out your individual style, not sure how to honour both your own art and the current trends, burnt out from trying to attract your ideal client, or feeling both overworked and undervalued?

Do you wonder if you can ever make a good living creating your art… we get it because we’ve been there too.

Finding your individual style, honing in on your ideal client, and pricing yourself accordingly are all things we will work on at Inner Illume.

You will go home feeling supported with simple tools that will make lasting change so you can thrive in your art & business.

We’re bringing you to one of Alberta’s last true wildernesses. Providing the time, space, and freedom to grow your art and create a portfolio that attracts your ideal client, all while setting you and your business up for success.

“I feel like I gain wisdom when I surround myself with fellow business owners and creatives.”


“I feel seen, connected, peaceful, and inspired because of being with women who hold such a sacred space for being and making.”


“It provided a container to deepen my connection with myself, with other women and allowed me to play, to tap into my own creativity and with it a sense of inspiration.”


Dear Photographer,

We all have to start somewhere, and entering into a creative career isn’t easy. It started because you love to express yourself, it feels so good, and you want to more of that feeling.

It can quickly change to pricey lenses, expensive software, and a lack of people to pay you. Figuring out what to charge and those vulnerability hangovers when you share your dreams, is hard. So is scaling your business and navigating the growing competitive market.

I am here to help, I want you to be sustainable and happy! I want you to believe in yourself and to stay the course, even when it gets hard. I am an open book, and will share everything I’ve learned in over 2 decades as a professional photographer. You will dive into our creative business and using tools I’ve developed, build something that both inspires you and sustains you.

Let’s grow together!

xo Tammy

Dear Photographer,

I believe there is a wild-hearted creative in all of us. A heart that yearns to shine bright and draws us to create our art. This is why we possess the skill of noticing. The shapes in clouds. The dew on flowers. The way sunlight glitters through strands of hair. Artists are drawn to notice first, and then create.

I also know that life can feel overwhelming and too busy at times to connect with your inner creative. Responsibilities, schedules, family life, and social pressures are a louder voice than your own melody. I’ve been there. I felt wild and connected, then slammed with realities of life that made me feel like I was drowning in quicksand.

What I do know is that the journey to your art is as unique as your own DNA. Reconnect with your work so all other voices become background noise. You are designed for this and I am right here with you. 

xo Carolyn

Retreat launches in November!
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